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Ghost Moms

“Sixty years of a life full of marriages and children, laughter and loss. She was the most important woman in the world to me, but the photographic evidence of her existence didn’t even exceed the maximum attachment file size of…


Rosie May 3, 2006 – July 3, 2016 “Lifetime dogs intersect with our lives with particular impact; they’re dogs we love in especially powerful, sometimes inexplicable, ways.”  -Jon Katz For my friend, Leigh Warren, Rosie was a lifetime dog.  An…

When Kids Rock

    This summer, I had the privilege of being the official photographer for Spicer’s Garage Band Camp.  The camp, now in it’s tenth year, is run by Spicer’s Music and brings together kids 8 to 18 for a couple of…

Welcome and Thank You

Welcome to Mirage Studios, a newly established resource for photography and augmented reality. We live in a culture with an insatiable appetite for images and video.  Whether for personal or professional purposes, getting unforgettable images is important.  That’s where we come in. First,…

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